Topics: Accounting, women in accounting, Women leaders

#HeForShe: Celebrating Women Leaders in Accounting

3 MIN READ | Posted on March 08, 2024
Written By Divya Ramaswamy

#HeForShe: Celebrating Women Leaders in Accounting

As we mark International Women’s Day 2024, we’re reminded of the strides we’ve made and the paths still to pave. This year’s theme, “Empowerment for a Sustainable Future,” echoes profoundly within the accounting profession, especially as we spotlight the achievements and leadership of women in the field. Celebrating these trailblazers isn’t just about acknowledging their success; it’s about recognizing the integral role they play in shaping a more inclusive and balanced industry across the world.

The journey of women in accounting has been marked by both challenge and triumph.

From the early days, when their presence was a rarity in boardrooms and leadership positions, to today, where women not only participate but lead with distinction, the transformation is nothing short of inspiring. Women leaders in accounting have not just climbed the corporate ladder; they’ve built new rungs for others to ascend, mentoring the next generation and advocating for equitable opportunities within the profession.

Yet, the significance of these accomplishments extends beyond individual success stories. It speaks to a broader narrative of resilience, dedication, and the collective push for a more equitable profession.

Women in accounting are not just excelling in their roles; they’re rewriting the playbook on leadership, ethics, and professional excellence. They’ve shown that diversity in leadership not only enhances creativity and decision-making but also mirrors the diverse tapestry of our society, making the accounting profession more accessible and appealing to aspiring accountants of all backgrounds.

In line with celebrating the amazing women in accounting, we at QX Accounting Services have rolled out a special campaign. To add a unique twist, we’ve invited some of the leading men in the accounting space to nominate and share stories of female leaders they admire. This campaign is our way of saying thank you to the women who lead, inspire, and make a difference every day. It’s about recognizing the incredible impact they have and encouraging everyone to support and celebrate women’s contributions to our profession.

Haley Dobre, Tax Automation & Innovation practice leader for BDO USA, is the type of leader you are lucky to follow. Haley has a keen ability to assess risks and place strategic bets, balancing a rare combination of data analysis and empathetic intuition. Most impressively, Haley has created a team culture where ambitious performance is just as critical as mental health, collaboration, and integrity. As a board member, a CPA, a mom, and a leader, Haley is an inspiration to be celebrated on International Women’s Day and every day!”

Christopher D’Ambola, Managing Director & Podcast Host @ BDO USA told QX Accounting Services.


Profile photo of Yvonne Hinson, Ph.D., CPA (NC)“Dr. Yvonne Hinson stands out as an exemplary female leader whose professional journey has significantly impacted the accounting profession. Through her dynamic leadership as its CEO, Dr. Hinson has brought transformative change to the American Accounting Association (AAA), which serves accounting professors and researchers. Under her guidance, the AAA has flourished, becoming a beacon of excellence and innovation in academics and driving better education and engagement with accounting students. One of her most notable contributions has been her emphasis on ensuring that accounting research is relevant to practice and helps drive better business outcomes. Furthermore, Dr. Hinson has been instrumental in promoting diversity and inclusion. She understands the importance of harnessing the unique perspectives and talents of a diverse workforce and has worked tirelessly to create an inclusive environment where all employees feel valued and respected. AAA programs also enable educators to create inclusion in their classrooms so that all students feel like they belong as part of the profession.”

Donny C. Shimamoto, CPA.CITP, CGMA, Managing Director, IntrapriseTechKnowlogies LLC told QX Accounting Services.

Danielle Stein Fairhurst

“I would mention Danielle Stein Fairhurst. While she might be more closely aligned with financial modeling than traditional accounting, her dedication to elevating the field for women is something I deeply admire. Her passion not only enriches the modeling domain but also paves the way for greater female representation and success in closely related disciplines.”

Paul Barnhurst, Podcast host at FPandA Tomorrow, told QX Accounting Services.




The stories shared and the leaders spotlighted in our campaign serve as powerful reminders of the impact that dedicated individuals can have on their profession and beyond. By highlighting the achievements of these women leaders in accounting, we’re not just acknowledging their contributions; we’re setting the stage for a future where gender equality and mutual support are the norm, not the exception. We hope this feature inspires us to continue advocating for equality, mentorship, and empowerment within the accounting profession and beyond. Here’s to the remarkable women shaping the future of accounting and to everyone who stands with them.

Divya Ramaswamy

With a brain that buzzes for data and a heart that beats for creativity, Divya strives to craft narratives and strategies that resonate. She's currently on a quest to create insightful and relevant content that helps accountants make informed choices about outsourcing. Off the clock, she's all about vibing to Indian classical tunes or donning her hat as a home baker.

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Originally published Mar 08, 2024 07:03:43, updated Mar 08 2024

Topics: Accounting, women in accounting, Women leaders

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