End-to-End Tax Outsourcing Services for CPA Firms

Tax Services

Make tax preparation simpler, do more taxes and earn more with our professional and deadline-oriented tax outsourcing services.

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Since 2013, QXAS US has been helping CPAs, EAs and accountants manage the tax preparation needs of their clients. We have built solid expertise in US tax legislation and keep up-to-speed with all tax changes to ensure preparation accuracy and are able to navigate all tax complexities seamlessly. A team of qualified accountants with demonstrable expertise in both individual and business tax works on the tax preparation needs of your practice. With us, breathe easy knowing your clients’ taxes are prepared by the right people, with the right infrastructure that meets the highest standards of data security. 

With QXAS’ accounting outsourcing services, CPAs and accounting practices experience the benefit of: 

  • Greater profitability 
  • Faster turnaround times 
  • Creative space to expand service offerings 
  • More time to innovate and grow 
  • Enhanced client satisfaction 
  • Staff shortage management 
  • A more efficient practice 
  • Practice transformation 

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The QX team works with only the latest and popularly used software to take care of your accounting needs.  


Our Services

Sales and use tax Outsourcing Services

Sales and use tax

Your clients will have to meet the sales tax obligations of 45 states, the District of Colombia and 8,000 local tax jurisdictions. Our tax experts have comprehensive knowledge of all compliance requirements and prepare taxes that take into consideration all demanding state and jurisdiction specific guidelines. We will take care of the complex tax needs of your clients.

Business and income tax -outsourcing

Business and income tax

Our tax preparation expertise includes both business and individual income tax and we offer outsourced tax support to your CPA firm customized to meet all specific needs. Our specialist tax services enable client retention and acquisition by helping you scale your tax services. You no longer have to be under tremendous pressure this tax season. We take the burden off your shoulders.

Multistate Tax Outsourcing

Multistate Tax

All the business decisions of your clients will have a tax consequence. These can turn into complications if their operations are spread over multiple jurisdictions and have to comply with both state and federal tax obligations. We deliver an integrated tax approach that helps you meet all the tax preparation requirements of your clients with a multistate footprint.



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When contemplating the decision to outsource tax preparation for your accounting firm, it’s essential to consider a blend of factors. Key among these is ensuring that your outsourcing partner possesses the necessary expertise and experience in tax preparation, which includes up-to-date knowledge of tax laws and practices and experience with similar types of tax returns as those handled by your firm. Another critical aspect is cost efficiency; outsourcing should be a financially viable option that offers cost savings compared to maintaining an in-house team without compromising the quality of service. Data security holds paramount importance as well, given the sensitivity of financial data. The outsourcing firm should have stringent data security measures in place and comply with relevant data protection regulations to safeguard client information. Moreover, consider aspects like scalability, flexibility, and the potential impact on client relationships and internal workflows. Ensuring seamless communication and coordination with the outsourced team is vital for maintaining service quality and meeting client expectations. Balancing these factors can lead to a successful outsourcing arrangement that enhances your firm’s efficiency and capacity, particularly during peak tax seasons.

Outsourcing doesn’t lead to poor-quality tax returns. In fact, when done right, it can enhance the quality and efficiency of tax preparation. The key lies in choosing a reputable outsourcing partner with qualified professionals who are well-versed in U.S. tax laws and regulations. These firms often have stringent quality control processes to ensure accuracy and compliance. They stay updated with the latest tax codes and leverage advanced software to enhance their service quality. Before partnering with an outsourced provider, research their credentials, client reviews, and success stories. A good provider will have a track record of delivering accurate, compliant returns for clients similar to your firm. It’s also beneficial to establish clear communication guidelines and a review process to ensure that the outsourced returns meet your firm’s standards. Remember, the quality of outsourced work often depends on the provider’s expertise and the working relationship you establish with them.

Outsourcing tax return preparation can be more cost-effective than in-house processing, particularly for small to medium-sized firms. It eliminates the need for additional full-time staff, reducing overhead costs like salaries, benefits, and training expenses. Outsourcing turns fixed labor costs into variable costs, offering flexibility and scalability according to business needs. It also saves on technological investments, as outsourced firms typically use their own advanced tax software and systems. Furthermore, it frees up your existing staff to focus on higher-value tasks, potentially increasing overall firm productivity and profitability. However, it’s essential to carefully analyze the pricing models of outsourcing providers. Some may charge a flat fee per return, while others might have hourly rates or a subscription model. Compare these costs with your current in-house expenses to make an informed decision. Keep in mind that while initial cost savings are important, the long-term benefits of improved efficiency and scalability often outweigh the upfront costs.

Outsourcing tax preparation can significantly aid in managing peak season workload. During high-volume periods like tax season, outsourcing provides additional manpower to handle the surge in workload, ensuring timely completion of returns without compromising on quality. This approach allows your firm to take on more clients and grow your business without the need for additional permanent staff. It also alleviates the stress on your in-house team, reducing burnout and improving overall job satisfaction. Outsourced providers are accustomed to the cyclical nature of the accounting industry and can scale their services up or down based on your needs. This flexibility is crucial for maintaining consistent service levels during peak times. Moreover, outsourcing firms often have teams working across different time zones, enabling faster turnaround times. This responsiveness is key to meeting tight deadlines and maintaining high client satisfaction during the busiest times of the year.

The decision to start outsourcing tax prep should be based on several factors. If your firm is experiencing significant growth and your current staff is unable to manage the increased workload efficiently, it may be time to consider outsourcing. Outsourcing becomes particularly valuable during peak tax seasons when the workload exceeds your team’s capacity. If your firm is facing challenges in recruiting or retaining skilled tax professionals, outsourcing can provide access to a pool of experienced tax preparers without the need for long-term commitments. It’s also wise to start outsourcing if you’re looking to expand your services but lack the necessary expertise in-house. Begin the process well before the peak season to allow time for finding a suitable partner and integrating their services with your operations. This preparation ensures a smooth transition and enables you to test the effectiveness of outsourcing with a smaller workload before fully committing during the busier periods.

A wide array of tax returns can be outsourced, offering significant flexibility for CPA firms. This includes individual tax returns, corporate taxes, partnership returns, non-profit organizations, estate taxes, and trust returns. Outsourcing firms often have professionals specialized in various tax domains, ensuring that even complex tax situations, like international tax laws or specific state tax regulations, are handled competently. When selecting an outsourcing partner, it’s essential to confirm their expertise in the specific types of returns your firm handles. This ensures that the outsourced team is aligned with your firm’s service offerings and client needs.

Data security is paramount in outsourced tax preparation. Reputable outsourcing firms like QXAS implement stringent security protocols to protect sensitive client information. This includes using encrypted communication channels for data transfer, secure cloud storage, and rigorous access controls. Many adhere to international data protection regulations like SOC-II and have regular audits to ensure compliance. It’s advisable to inquire about their data security certifications, such as ISO 27001, and understand their incident response strategies. Moreover, reputable firms often have confidentiality agreements and regular staff training to reinforce the importance of data security.

Outsourcing tax preparation is a common practice among CPA firms of various sizes across the USA. Firms leverage outsourcing for various reasons, including managing high volume during peak seasons, accessing specialized tax expertise, and optimizing operational costs. The trend has grown as firms recognize the benefits of scalability, flexibility, and efficiency that outsourcing offers. It’s becoming an integral part of the business strategy for many accounting firms, allowing them to focus more on client advisory roles and less on routine tax preparation tasks.

The outsourced employees will work as an addition to your team despite being based at a different geographical location, such as India. The offshore or nearshore accountants or tax prep experts will be familiar with US tax laws and accounting standards, making them ideal for collaboration. Despite the challenges posed by time zone differences and cultural nuances in communication, effective collaboration and turnaround times can be well-managed in the context of outsourcing tax preparation.

Yes, the IRS requires taxpayers to provide explicit consent for tax preparers to disclose or use tax return information for purposes of outsourcing preparation. This consent is obtained through Form 7216. It’s a critical step in maintaining transparency and adhering to legal requirements in the tax preparation process. Clients should be fully informed about the outsourcing process and the implications of their consent.

Quality control is crucial in outsourced tax preparation. Typically, after the outsourced team prepares the return, it undergoes a thorough review process. At QX Accounting Services, we have a 4-eyed review process that ensures accuracy. We have senior accountants and managers reviewing your firm’s tax prep requirements. This multi-tier review process ensures accuracy, compliance, and adherence to firm-specific and client-specific requirements.

Outsourced tax preparers are usually proficient in a range of tax preparation software popular in the U.S., such as Intuit ProConnect, Drake Software, ATX, CCH Axcess, and Xero. Familiarity with multiple software platforms allows them to adapt to the specific tools and systems used by different CPA firms. When considering outsourcing, it’s important to discuss software capabilities upfront to ensure compatibility and seamless integration with your firm’s existing systems. At QX Accounting Services, our experienced tax prep experts use the software that our clients use and prefer.

Outsourcing tax preparation typically streamlines and accelerates the tax filing process. It provides access to a dedicated team focused solely on tax preparation, which can expedite the handling of returns, especially during peak seasons. This efficiency results in quicker turnaround times, ensuring that tax filings are completed well within deadlines. It’s important to communicate clear timelines and expectations with the outsourcing provider to align with your firm’s schedule. At QXAS, we have processes in place to handle large volumes of work efficiently, helping your firm avoid last-minute rushes and maintain compliance with filing deadlines.