Topics: Accounting outsourcing, Accounting outsourcing services provider, Outsourced accountant, outsourced accounting services

Emerging Accounting Trends 2024: Are India’s Outsourcing Companies Leading the Way?

11 MIN READ | Posted on December 04, 2023
Written By Divya Ramaswamy

Emerging Accounting Trends 2024: Are India's Outsourcing Companies Leading the Way?

The accounting profession is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by an array of factors, including technological advancements, regulatory changes, increased demand for outsourced accounting services, and, notably, a growing talent shortage. This issue is reshaping the industry, pushing firms to reconsider their operational and strategic approaches. As we explore the emerging accounting trends of 2024, understanding the roots and ramifications of this shortage is key.

The shortage is starkly evident in recent statistics. According to AICPA’s 2023 Trends Report, approximately 47,000 students earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting in the 2021-22 school year, marking a 7.8% decline from the previous year. The number of students obtaining a master’s degree in accounting also decreased by 6.4% to 18,238 in the same period. This decline in accounting graduates is linked to several factors, including an aging workforce, perceived limited career advancement, and the increasing complexity of accounting roles. The rapid evolution of financial technologies, demanding a broad skill set and continuous learning, also contributes to this trend.

As a consequence, the talent shortage is causing widespread operational challenges. Another survey has also highlighted that many accounting firms are struggling with staffing issues. This has led to an increased demand for accountants, escalating salaries, and intensifying competition for skilled professionals.

The most common factors reported to be contributing to the decreasing interest in accounting as a major:

* The 150-hour requirement for certification acts as an entry barrier.

*A general perception that accounting lacks excitement.

*Relatively lower salaries compared to fields like finance and technology.

*An observable shortfall in diversity within the field.

*The view of accounting as an overly specialized major.

*High costs associated with obtaining an education in accounting.

*Overall declining enrollments in higher education institutions.

To address these challenges, firms are increasingly turning to outsourced accounting services. This shift is more than a temporary fix; it’s a strategic realignment of the accounting function. By shifting to outsourced accounting services from providers, particularly in countries like India, businesses can access a skilled workforce at a reduced cost. Accounting outsourcing companies in India are recognized for their expertise and efficiency in delivering quality services.

The global accounting services market is experiencing growth, with its value reaching $604.2 billion in 2023, an increase of 1.99% from 2022. This market is projected to grow to $1.5 trillion by 2032, at a CAGR of 9.2% from 2023 to 2032. Particularly in India, the accounting industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6% from 2021, reaching $687.7 billion in 2023. This growth underlines the strategic importance of outsourced accounting services.

Here is a list of the top 10 trends that are currently shaping the accounting profession in 2024. From innovative technologies to the significant role of outsourced accounting services, these trends provide key insights into the future dynamics of the industry.

Emerging Accounting Trends 2024 Outsourced Accounting Services for CPAs

Emerging Accounting Trends 2024

  1. Rise of AI and Automation in Accounting
  2. Increased Demand for Outsourced Accounting Services
  3. Shift Towards Cloud-Based Solutions
  4. Sustainability Reporting and ESG
  5. Increasing Role of Big Data
  6. Emergence of Accounting Outsourcing Services in India
  7. Focus on Cybersecurity in Accounting
  8. Adoption of Blockchain in Accounting
  9. Increasing Importance of Advisory Services
  10. Talent Acquisition and Training Challenges
  11. Nearshore Outsourcing: Mexico as a Key Destination

1. Rise of AI and Automation in Accounting

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation into accounting is a game-changer. Recent research indicates that nearly 40% of accounting tasks are now automated, leading to increased efficiency and accuracy. This trend is revolutionizing traditional accounting practices, as AI algorithms can analyze large datasets quickly, identify patterns, and even predict future trends. For businesses utilizing outsourced accounting services, this means access to more sophisticated data analysis tools. Automation also reduces the risk of human error and allows accounting professionals to focus on more strategic aspects of finance. As AI and automation technologies advance, they will continue to reshape the accounting profession.

2. Increased Demand for Outsourced Accounting Services

The global market for outsourced accounting services is witnessing significant growth. According to a report by Grand View Research, this market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4% from 2021 to 2028. The driving force behind this surge is the increasing complexity of financial operations and the need for cost-effective solutions. Businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, are turning to outsourcing accounting functions to reduce operational costs and gain access to specialized expertise. This trend is also fueled by the digital transformation in the accounting sector, enabling seamless integration of outsourced services. Accounting outsourcing services provide businesses with scalable solutions, from basic bookkeeping to advanced financial analysis, ensuring they can adapt to changing market conditions efficiently.

3. Shift Towards Cloud-Based Solutions

The shift towards cloud-based solutions in accounting is accelerating rapidly. A report from Statista shows that more than 70% of companies are expected to use cloud technology for financial operations by 2022. This shift is largely due to the flexibility, scalability, and security offered by cloud computing. Cloud-based accounting solutions allow for real-time data access and collaboration, irrespective of location, which is particularly beneficial for firms engaged in outsourcing accounting. This technology enables accounting outsourcing companies in India and other global locations to provide seamless, integrated services to clients worldwide. Moreover, cloud solutions offer enhanced data security and disaster recovery options, making them a reliable choice for managing sensitive financial data. As cloud technology continues to evolve, it will play a crucial role in shaping the future of accounting, particularly in enhancing the efficiency and reach of outsourced accounting services.

4. Sustainability Reporting and ESG

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are increasingly becoming integral to accounting practices. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reports that over 75% of large companies are now engaging in sustainability reporting. This shift is not just about compliance; it’s about value creation and risk management. Companies that adopt ESG practices are seen as more attractive to investors, and accounting firms are responding by integrating ESG factors into their reporting and advisory services. Outsourced accounting services are adapting too, offering ESG reporting to help businesses align with global sustainability standards. This trend is expected to gain further momentum as stakeholders demand more transparency and accountability from businesses.

5. Increasing Role of Big Data

Big Data is revolutionizing the accounting industry by enabling more informed decision-making. According to recent report, 53% of companies have adopted big data analytics. This trend is empowering accountants to move beyond traditional record-keeping and compliance roles to become strategic business advisors. Big data analytics allows for predictive modeling, risk assessment, and financial forecasting, providing valuable insights that can drive business growth. Accounting outsourcing services, especially in data-rich environments like India, are leveraging big data to offer more nuanced and sophisticated financial analysis, thus providing a competitive edge to their clients.

6. Emergence of Outsourced Accounting Services in India

India has emerged as a leader in the accounting outsourcing industry. India holds about 37% of the global outsourcing market. The country’s accounting outsourcing companies offer a blend of cost-effectiveness, skilled workforce, and technological prowess, making them attractive to global businesses. These firms are not just about cost savings; they provide value-added services such as tax advisory, financial planning, and regulatory compliance, adapting quickly to the dynamic global accounting landscape. This trend is bolstering India’s position as a go-to destination for accounting outsourcing services, significantly impacting how companies worldwide manage their finances.

7. Focus on Cybersecurity in Accounting

With the increasing digitization of financial data, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern in the accounting industry. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts global cybersecurity spending to exceed $1 trillion cumulatively from 2017 to 2021. Companies providing outsourced accounting services are investing heavily in robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive financial data. This includes adopting advanced encryption techniques, regular security audits, and employee training to mitigate the risk of data breaches. The focus on cybersecurity is not just about protecting data; it’s about maintaining client trust and ensuring compliance with evolving data protection regulations.

8. Adoption of Blockchain in Accounting

Blockchain technology is rapidly gaining traction in the accounting sector for its potential to enhance transparency and security in financial transactions. 84% of companies are actively involved with blockchain technology. This adoption is revolutionizing how transactions are recorded, verified, and reported. Blockchain’s immutable ledger provides a more secure and transparent way to maintain financial records, reducing the potential for fraud and errors. The integration of blockchain in accounting processes signifies a significant shift towards more secure, transparent, and efficient financial reporting.

9. Increasing Importance of Advisory Services

The accounting profession is witnessing a significant shift from traditional bookkeeping to a more consultative role. According to AICPA, revenue from consulting and advisory services in accounting firms has grown by 20% in recent years. This trend reflects the evolving needs of businesses that require more than just compliance services; they seek strategic advice to navigate complex business requirements. Accounting outsourcing services are adapting to this shift by offering a range of advisory services, including financial planning, risk management, and business consulting. This evolution is transforming accounting firms from managing tedious compliance tasks to becoming strategic partners, adding more value to their clients’ businesses.

10. Talent Acquisition and Training Challenges

Talent management remains a significant challenge in the accounting industry. A report by Robert Half highlights that 89% of CFOs find it challenging to attract qualified accounting and finance professionals. This talent shortage is prompting firms to rethink their hiring and training strategies. Firms are increasingly focusing on upskilling their workforce to keep pace with the latest technological advancements and regulatory changes.  This focus on talent development is critical for maintaining the quality of accounting services and for firms to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving industry.

11. Nearshore Outsourcing: Mexico as a Key Destination

Nearshore outsourcing is gaining momentum, with Mexico emerging as a prime destination for U.S. accounting firms. Its close proximity, similar time zone, and cultural affinity with the U.S. make it an ideal nearshore option. Businesses are leveraging Mexico’s skilled workforce for accounting services, benefiting from easier collaboration and communication. This trend complements traditional offshore outsourcing, offering a strategic balance between cost-effectiveness and operational synergy. Mexico’s role in nearshore accounting outsourcing is poised to grow, providing U.S. firms with efficient, culturally aligned, and responsive accounting solutions.

What are the emerging accounting trends in 2024?

Emerging trends include the increased use of AI and automation, a focus on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting, and the integration of blockchain technology.

How are India’s outsourcing companies contributing to these trends?

They are at the forefront by adopting advanced technologies, providing cost-effective solutions, and offering specialized expertise in AI, blockchain, and ESG reporting.

Why is AI important in accounting trends for 2024?

AI enhances efficiency by automating routine tasks, improving accuracy in data analysis, and detecting anomalies, which allows accountants to focus on strategic activities.

How is ESG reporting impacting accounting practices in 2024?

ESG reporting is becoming crucial as stakeholders demand greater transparency on environmental and social impacts, prompting firms to adopt comprehensive ESG auditing and reporting practices.

Are Indian outsourcing companies leading the way in accounting innovations?

Yes, Indian outsourcing companies are leading due to their early adoption of advanced technologies, robust training programs, and competitive pricing, making them preferred partners globally.

What benefits do Indian outsourcing companies offer to global firms?

Benefits include cost savings, access to a large pool of skilled professionals, high-quality service delivery, and the ability to scale operations quickly.

How do Indian outsourcing companies ensure data security in accounting?

Indian outsourcing companies implement strict data security measures, including encryption, compliance with international standards, and regular audits to protect client data.

What makes Indian outsourcing companies a preferred choice for accounting services?

Their expertise in the latest accounting technologies, cost-effectiveness, strong work ethics, and ability to deliver high-quality services make them a preferred choice.

How are Indian outsourcing companies adapting to regulatory changes in 2024?

They stay updated with global regulatory changes, continuously train their staff, and adopt best practices to ensure compliance and provide accurate, reliable services.

What technological advancements are Indian outsourcing firms leveraging in 2024?

They are leveraging AI, blockchain, cloud computing, and advanced data analytics to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and security in accounting processes.

Can small and medium-sized firms benefit from outsourcing to Indian companies?

Yes, small and medium-sized firms can benefit significantly from cost savings, access to specialized skills, and the ability to focus on core business activities by outsourcing to Indian companies.


The accounting profession is poised to undergo significant transformations in 2024, driven by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and evolving business needs. The rise of AI and automation, the shift towards cloud-based solutions, and the integration of blockchain technology are not just reshaping how accounting tasks are performed but also redefining the value that accounting professionals bring to the table. The increasing importance of sustainability reporting, big data, and advisory services further highlights the evolving role of accountants.

Particularly notable is the surge in demand for outsourced accounting services and the pivotal role of accounting outsourcing companies in India. These firms are at the forefront of adopting these emerging trends, offering a blend of technological expertise, cost-effectiveness, and skilled workforce, making them attractive partners for global businesses. The focus on cybersecurity and the challenges in talent acquisition and training are reminders that the industry must continuously adapt and innovate to stay relevant and secure.

As we look towards 2024, it’s clear that the accounting profession is not just about managing financial records but is increasingly about providing strategic insights and solutions that drive business growth. Outsourced accounting services from specialized firms, particularly those in India, appear to be a strategic move for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve. These trends collectively signal a new era in accounting, one that is more dynamic, interconnected, and indispensable to the success of businesses in a globalized economy.

Book a Free Consultation

Contact us today to learn more about how our outsourced accounting services can transform your CPA firm in 2024 and beyond.

Divya Ramaswamy

With a brain that buzzes for data and a heart that beats for creativity, Divya strives to craft narratives and strategies that resonate. She's currently on a quest to create insightful and relevant content that helps accountants make informed choices about outsourcing. Off the clock, she's all about vibing to Indian classical tunes or donning her hat as a home baker.

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Originally published Dec 04, 2023 05:12:07, updated Jul 01 2024

Topics: Accounting outsourcing, Accounting outsourcing services provider, Outsourced accountant, outsourced accounting services

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