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Tax season is the bread and butter season for most firms, especially those who focus on commoditized services and therefore, it is imperative not to fall behind in the tax season.

In this episode of the Wise Up Podcast, Sufyan Momin talks about how planning early for tax season 2022 is a wise decision for accountants and CPA firm owners. The focus of this podcast will be on the challenges that accounting firms face in the tax season and why they cannot leverage their potential 100%.

In this podcast, you will come across:

  • The challenges faced by accountants in the tax season 2022
  • The reasons why it is necessary to plan for Tax Season 2022 and how does planning early help increase productivity and streamline processes
  • Ways how tax outsourcing fit in the ‘Plan Your Tax Season Early’ paradigm
  • Methods to figure out whether you firm needs outsourcing or not

Do you have a wish to make tax season 2022 as successful and profitable as ever? If you do, then this podcast is a must-listen. Being a BD professional who has charted his career speaking with various prospects and clients belonging to the accounting industry, Sufyan’s advice to accountants on daring to expand firm and maximise profits is the right dose of motivation you need to kick start 2022.

Show Notes: About Our Guest

Sufyan is a seasoned professional with around 16 years of proven expertise in the areas of managing business accounts, capturing new business, strategic planning, research & advisory and general management. He is an expert in handling sales & marketing, business development, as well as, customer service.

Reach out Sufyan at:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sufyan-mominqx/

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