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Karen Reyburn is the founder of The Profitable Firm, a creative agency for accountants and accounting firms. Karen is a qualified CPA, an entrepreneur and an experienced marketer, who knows the people, the profession and the technicalities of the profession by heart.

Rachel Thomas is the founder of Room to Think, a leadership training and consultancy company. Rachel helps businesses shape their culture, increase their performance and drive growth. Her work often involves training and educating people to bring out the best in them and the businesses they work with.

In this podcast, the guest speakers discuss the mental health of accountants during COVID-19. They brought up some interesting points about how accountants and professionals in the business process distress, turn to technology for support, and escape and drown themselves into overwork. Here’s a little glimpse into the highlights of our discussion.

What’s the podcast about:

  • The deep-rooted disruption caused by COVID-19
  • The importance of taking a break
  • Self-Discovery, Leadership and Communication in a Crisis

Quotes by Karen & Rachel

“There are ways to build the online connections that are more than just work and these will see us through this time until we see each other in person again.”

“I think the whole social distancing comes with its own risks. As humans, we are social animals who are hardwired for connection with people.”

“Leadership is not just about a title. It’s not about status. It’s about behavior.”\

Reach out to Karen at:

Website: https://wearepf.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/karenlreyburn
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenlreyburn/

Reach out to Rachel at:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/roomtothinkltd
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-thomas-35a84413/

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