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In this episode of the QXAS podcast, Carl Reader shows the way for accountants to get back into the driver’s seat, put an end to all firefighting and chart their firm’s growth in the new year 2021.

For accountants, most of 2020 was spent firefighting against problems they had very little control over or as Reader puts it as “an uncomfortable roller coaster that we didn’t choose to get on.” Between managing clients, bringing back furlough team members and running firms from home – growth had taken a back seat – with many firm-owners post-poning their upscaling plans to next year.

‘Loss of Control’ has been a prevalent emotion for most firm-owners & team members throughout this year. However, Reader challenges this perspective and poses the thought provoking question about how much control do we really have over most things in our life? And how we often keep going despite the uncertainties ahead of us.

From questioning our harsh perspective about the challenges of 2020 to how accountants can navigate through staffing, pricing, helping small business clients & advisory – Reader presents an answer to all the following topics burning through every accountant’s minds as they venture into 2021:

  • Scaling Small Businesses Accounting Firms in 2021
  • Lack of Accountability among team members
  • The Most Valuable Pricing Tool for Accountants
  • How Outsourcing Helps in strengthening Compliance
  • Mistakes Accountants make in communicating with Clients
  • How to Dream, Plan & Take Action

Do you have a wish list for 2021? If you do, this podcast is a must-listen. Being an accountant who charted his career out of uncertainty in his early days, Reader’s advice to accountants on daring to dream, grow and take risks in 2021 is thoroughly inspiring and the right dose of motivation you need to kick start your new year.

Show Notes: About Our Guest

Carl Reader is the Joint Chairman of Accounting Firm, D&T, a board director of the British Franchise Association, Chair of the Practitioners Panel at ACCA, and proud author of his latest book “Boss it” – which hit the shelves earlier this year.

Reach out Carl at:

Website: https://www.carlreader.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarlReader
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlreader/

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