Topics: accountants turnover

How Much Money Are You Losing from Staff Turnover?

4 MIN READ | Posted on September 03, 2024
Written By Pooja Kshirsagar

How Much Money are You Losing from Staff Turnover?

Every time you lose a valued employee, it feels like a double curse. First, there’s the emotional gut punch—losing someone who understood your firm’s traits, who your clients trusted, and who was just starting to hit their stride. But the financial hit? That’s the one that really stings.

If you run a growing accountancy practice in the UK, you’ve likely felt the pinch of staff turnover. But do you know just how much it’s costing you?

The Hidden Costs of Staff Turnover

Staff turnover isn’t just about recruitment fees and the hassle of interviewing candidates. The real accountant turnover costs dig deeper. Let’s break it down:

  • Recruitment Costs: On average, recruiting a new employee costs a UK accounting firm around £3,000. This includes job adverts, agency fees, and the time spent by partners or HR staff on interviews. (Source)
  • Training and Development: New hires don’t walk in the door and immediately start churning out high-quality work. They need training, mentoring, and time to get up to speed. Research shows that it takes about 6-9 months for a new employee to become fully productive. During this time, they’re being paid a full salary, but you’re only getting a fraction of the output you were getting from the seasoned employee who left. The estimated cost of this productivity dip? Between £25,000 and £50,000 per employee. Ouch.
  • Lost Client Relationships: Clients build trust with the individuals they work with regularly. When those trusted faces leave, clients can become uneasy. Some may even jump ship. Rebuilding that trust with new staff can take months, if not longer. In the meantime, your firm may lose revenue, not to mention the potential cost of trying to win back lost clients or find new ones.
  • Decreased Morale and Productivity: When staff see their colleagues leave, it creates uncertainty and can dampen team morale. Productivity dips, and before you know it, you’re in a vicious cycle of low morale, leading to more resignations. It’s like watching a leaky tap slowly drain your profits away.

The Real Numbers: What Turnover is Costing You

Let’s do some quick math. Say you run a mid-sized accounting firm with 50 employees. According to Monster, the average staff attrition rate in the UK accounting sector is around 15%. That’s 7 or 8 employees leaving every year.

  • Recruitment Costs: 8 employees x £3,000 = £24,000
  • Training and Productivity Loss: Let’s take the lower end of the estimate at £25,000 per employee. 8 employees x £25,000 = £200,000
  • Lost Clients: Let’s be conservative and estimate that the client turnover cost due to staff changes is around £10,000 per lost employee. 8 employees x £10,000 = £80,000

In total, you’re looking at a staggering £304,000 a year in costs due to staff turnover. And that’s a conservative estimate.

Outsourcing: The Smart Way to Cut Costs

Now, here’s where the good news comes in. What if I told you there’s a way to reduce these costs significantly while boosting accounting firm profitability and productivity? Enter outsourcing.

  • Stable Workforce: By outsourcing, you’re not reliant on in-house staff who might decide to jump ship after a year or two. Outsourcing providers, especially those experienced in the accounting sector, offer a stable, dedicated team. They handle the recruitment, training, and management—so you don’t have to worry about it.
  • Cost Savings: The cost of outsourcing is often lower than the combined cost of salaries, recruitment, training, and lost productivity. Let’s say you outsource some of your accounting work to a reputable provider. Instead of spending £304,000 on turnover-related costs, you might spend around £150,000 on outsourcing. That’s a potential saving of £154,000 a year.
  • Focus on Core Activities: With a reliable outsourced team handling the routine work, your in-house staff can focus on higher-value tasks like client relationship management, business development, and strategic planning. Not only does this boost morale, but it also increases revenue.
  • Scalability: As your firm grows, outsourcing allows you to scale your operations without the need to constantly hire and train new employees. This flexibility is particularly valuable during tax season or when you’re taking on new clients.

Real-Life Success Story

Let’s talk about one of our esteemed clients, a Manchester-based accountancy firm. They were struggling with a 20% staff turnover rate, and their bottom line was suffering. After analysing their costs, they decided to outsource a portion of their compliance work. Within a year, their staff turnover rate dropped to 10%, and they saved approximately £100,000 in turnover-related costs. More importantly, their in-house team was happier, more productive, and better able to focus on client service and growth.

The Bottom Line

Staff turnover in the accounting sector is more than just a nuisance—it’s a significant drain on your firm’s resources. But it doesn’t have to be. By outsourcing accounting services, you can cut costs, increase savings, and build a more stable, productive, and profitable firm. Plus, you’ll sleep better at night knowing you’re not constantly at the mercy of the job market.

So, the next time you’re fretting over another resignation letter, ask yourself: How much money are you really losing from staff turnover? And then consider how outsourcing might just be the solution your firm needs. After all, wouldn’t you rather invest that £304,000 into growing your business rather than watching it disappear into the black hole of staff turnover?

It’s time to turn the tables—let’s stop the financial drain and start building a more resilient, profitable firm.

Curious to learn how we can help your firm? Call us at +44 208 146 0808 or drop an email at [email protected] to speak to an expert or try our no-obligation trial to assess our services risk-free.

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Pooja Kshirsagar

With a rich experience of curating content for various industries, Pooja believes in the power of words in marketing and building brands. She enjoys experimenting with different forms of content and is currently on a mission to add value to the accounting industry through her detailed and researched write-ups.

Unauthorized copying or plagiarism of our content is a violation of intellectual property rights. We take such matters seriously and will pursue legal action to protect our original work. Anyone found engaging in such activities will be held accountable under applicable laws.

Originally published Sep 03, 2024 12:09:43, updated Sep 03 2024

Topics: accountants turnover

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