Topics: tax season, tax tips

Top 5 Tax Season Survival Tips: Keeping Your Firm on Track as the Deadline Looms

5 MIN READ | Posted on October 15, 2024
Written By Pooja Kshirsagar

Top 5 Tax Season Survival Tips: Keeping Your Firm on Track as the Deadline Looms

Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

Just two weeks left until the 31st of October, and if you’re anything like most accounting firms across Ireland, things are likely a bit…hectic.

The inbox is overflowing, the phone never stops ringing, and the pile of tax returns waiting for review seems to grow taller by the hour. Sound familiar?

With the tax return deadline fast approaching, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But fear not – we’ve all been there. The key to surviving this mad rush isn’t just burning the midnight oil but working smarter, not harder.

With that in mind, here are five proven stress-free tax season tips for accountants to help keep your firm on track, manage the chaos, and make it to the deadline without losing your sanity (or your best staff!).

Tip 1: Delegate Like a Pro

When time is short, prioritising becomes a survival skill. You need to assess which tasks require immediate attention and which can wait. But don’t try to do everything yourself!

At this stage, delegating effectively is crucial. Split your team into task forces based on strengths —whether it’s chasing client documents, handling compliance, or running final checks on returns, spreading the load will keep things moving.

If you’re finding yourself drowning in paperwork, it’s not too late to consider outsourcing compliance for tax season. This can free up your in-house team to focus on higher-priority tasks while ensuring the remaining work gets done in time. Providers who specialise in tax prep outsourcing can jump in and help with those last-minute returns, even on short notice.

Tip 2: Clear the Clutter

In the rush of tax season, it’s easy to get bogged down in endless email threads and constant Slack pings. But here’s the thing – every second counts right now.

Streamline your communications by limiting back-and-forth emails and setting up quick daily huddles instead. A 10-minute morning stand-up can save hours of checking and replying to messages later in the day.

Have someone monitor inboxes for non-urgent client queries so they don’t distract your key players. You might even create a system where all queries related to tax returns are filtered into a separate folder or handled by one point of contact.

Keeping the team’s focus where it’s needed most can make all the difference in this final stretch.

Tip 3: Incentivise Productivity

Morale can drop fast when workloads are heavy, especially when deadlines are looming. You don’t want your team to burn out, and a little recognition or reward can go a long way to keep spirits high.

Consider small, easy-to-implement incentives to keep the energy levels up. Offer coffee vouchers or treat the team to breakfast for those early mornings. You could even set up a friendly competition with rewards for the most returns processed or the fastest response times to clients.

Remember – a motivated team works harder and stays focused longer, so take time to show your appreciation.

Tip 4: Take Short Breaks to Recharge

This might sound counterproductive, but hear us out. When the pressure is on, it’s tempting to plough through without pausing for a breath. However, pushing nonstop can lead to mistakes—and mistakes cost time (and money). Encourage your team to take short, regular breaks.

Even a quick coffee or 10-minute walk around the block can work wonders for resetting the mind and helping your team tackle the next batch of returns with a clearer head.

You might even schedule “team breaks” where everyone steps away from their desks at the same time. That little burst of downtime can help the team regroup and come back with fresh energy.

Tip 5: Outsource Last-Minute Tasks

By now, you might be knee-deep in returns that need to be finished yesterday. If you’re struggling to keep pace, don’t panic. This is where outsourcing can truly save the day.

There are outsourcing providers who specialise in peak tax season solutions for Irish firms and can take on the bulk of your work – even at the eleventh hour.

You might think it’s too late in the season to consider this but trust us, outsourcing a portion of your workload could be the secret weapon you need to get across the finish line. Whether it’s sorting through client documentation, preparing returns, or conducting final reviews, having an experienced offshore team on hand will ease the load.

The best part? With a trusted outsourcing partner, you’re not only getting through this tax season, but you’re setting your firm up for smoother operations in the future as well. So, whether it’s now or next year, keep this option in your toolkit.

How Can QXAS Help?

As a market leader in outsourcing, QXAS understands accountants’ challenges during the peak tax season and provides dedicated, tailored tax preparation support to support your firm’s needs.

Our team is comprised of skilled and highly experienced tax preparers specialising in Irish tax regulations. We work on the software you use, so you don’t need to spend time training the resources or migrating your systems. Our experts can be hired within 48-72 hours and start immediately.

Call us at +44 208 146 0808 or drop an email at [email protected] to get started or book a free consultation with our expert.

Wrapping Up

Surviving tax season isn’t about being superhuman – it’s about using the right strategies to manage your workload and keep your team motivated.

Delegate tasks to those best equipped for them, streamline communications and don’t hesitate to bring in external help. Keep your team recharged and motivated with small incentives and regular breaks, and, most importantly, don’t let the pressure force you into mistakes that cost more time down the line.

With these strategies, you’ll keep your firm on track as the deadline looms and cross that finish line in better shape than you started. Now, let’s power through these last two weeks, and here’s to making the next tax season a little smoother!

Book a Free Consultation

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog. If you want our team to help you resolve talent gaps, reduce costs and transform your business operations, just book a call.

Pooja Kshirsagar

With a rich experience of curating content for various industries, Pooja believes in the power of words in marketing and building brands. She enjoys experimenting with different forms of content and is currently on a mission to add value to the accounting industry through her detailed and researched write-ups.

Unauthorized copying or plagiarism of our content is a violation of intellectual property rights. We take such matters seriously and will pursue legal action to protect our original work. Anyone found engaging in such activities will be held accountable under applicable laws.

Originally published Oct 15, 2024 04:10:09, updated Oct 15 2024

Topics: tax season, tax tips

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